I strive to make extraordinary pieces of innovative art clothing that's wearable. While travelling, I get my inspirations from all over the world.

Prime Gocce
Erste Tropfen - First Drops
I love it when friends come and visit me. The wonderful person on the left has joined me in Sardinia. And in her case it was a very precious present. At that time I was working on comfortable underwear for men. My friend explained to me that also bras are after a while unpleasant. I had no idea.
But I have a lot of creative thoughts when it comes to patterns. What do you think of this solution? My friend loves it. The fabric on the sensible area is 100% hemp jersey. I love that textile. For it is long-lasting and smooth. Let's make hemp sexy.
Costa Doro
Extravagant pants with free space
between the legs
This is what happens if Austrian craftsmanship meets Italien flair. I love those trousers and I'm still experimenting on new versions for specific occasions.
The waistband is called Band of Joy. Back in the days they called it "Kummerbund" what means Band of Sorrow. But that's stupid. Let's transform the world by choosing our words wisely.

The Whale Costume
How a circus enchants hearts
The first part of my travelings lead me to a little circus group. They welcomed me right from the start to their family. The daily life we spend together at these days made me feel much more down to earth. Little animals everywhere - and a simple way of living got normal. We cooked on open fire and did everything by hand. I had the privilege to be their tailor for an amazing project. They asked me to sew a whale costume for their new show. What an exciting thing to do. When the first spectaculars startet it was very touching to feel the energy of the audience. Laughters, cheers and even tears of frightened children set off.
They travel by horses from one village to the next. Bringing their wagons and the petting zoo with them. When I was travelling with the circus we moved through a region of Italy where scientists prophesy that in some years the lands will be desserts, caused by abusive agriculture.
Later in Italy I got to a place with a huge biodiversity. There we built a compost toilet. My friend said with a grin on his face: "We shit in our drinking water and we poison our food so no other animal eats it before we eat it."
The last photo shows a backpack that I made myself. I recycelt a diesel canister and made it pretty. Now I was able to visit my people back home.
Dress of Flames
Phenix the fire bird
In the first place I made this dress for a known competition - The Austrian Haute Couture Award. The topic was "fire". So I decided to make a dress which changes its shape constantly. Like fire does. I thought it would look great on a catwalk. However the jury just got photos. If you ask me, the photos where not showing the full potential of this dress. So I said to myself:"One day this dress gets dignified photos". And here they are. My friends made it come true. Norbert Kopf is a brilliant Photographer and Gerlinde Radler is the "Queen of Fire".
The silk and the opportunity for letting the "Dress of Fire" come true was given by my father and "Wimmer Schneider". Thank you all! It was fun!

coming soon ...

Flower Power
Fortune favours the brave
Do you believe in what you see? Some people are not brave enough to take a look outside of the world of facts. Doing something out of the blue will get you a new view. I don't believe in science, religion, money, judgement, knowledge... I know that I know nothing and I know that you know nothing. So in the end it comes to our faith. It is fascinating how strong people become when they have trust in life and in themselves. So I believe what feels right to me in the moment. This is when our heart is talking with us. This is NOW.
For now I can say that I have trust in the good of all people. With my colorful artfit I want to inspire you to be brave.

Prinz Leo
My brother the rockstar!
I love to use my skills for the brave ones. They inspire us the most. My brother went to London with a dream. He wants to change the world for better with music. My world he has changed already.
Leo is my most loyal customer. Also the most royal one. One of his artfits you can see here.
Check out his music <3
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